Monday, March 10, 2008

once was gone, but now alived

oh mine last night was horrible man. i mean drinking Barcade and bang there i was with Thapana talking nonsense during class BBQ! Shaun then came as really tossed the madness out of Thapana and oh boy, Thapana went really mad with me laughing madly too! Horrendous and horrible and vegetable night! WE were RED in the faces! there were more people also mad too jsut that i cant remembered!

But before that i was basically barbequ-ing the food for 2 hours standing at the pit, cooking the food! i almost wanted to sacrifice myself man! the heat was so hot! plus the weather was drizzling! i think the clouds were drunk too, one minute it was raining abit heavier then subside then again pour like siao! thank god for umbrellas!

okay enough of the bbq, damn it man i think i still have side many blog posts today already! ah...crapped! okay now having a soar throat!
but as a whole, the bbq was fun i suppose. those who left for i dunno why they claim that they had no food, in the first place, they should come and ask us to cook for them! apparently they waited for the food to come but inthe end nothing came so, firstly sorry for not lettng your know and seondly, next time ask us!!!!!


Bertram Brandon

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