Thursday, March 13, 2008

guidance from GOD above

sometimes God plans things to happen...really imparted out something today! Praise GOD! i mean its something that has changed me from inside out...apart from that, today it was something that brought me on to my 4th song composition and i believe this song will impart out true faith and it will bless lives...should title it From God Above All!

today was pretty fun and tiring when it came to the end. met pris, shaun, xing ya for lunch at school before proceeding to vivo and then back to school. ate at some dim sum place at vivo which had to pay 1 buck for ice water to be served so we did not order that much food. pretty bad place! walked around and back to school eating jelly beans from candy empire. first time eating! woohoo...tastes great!

back to school, psp-ed for a while before debate where we learnt about rebuttals and stuff. cool exercise. after that went for tuition and back home! tired and drained out physically but spirtually revived once again!

Bertram Brandon

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