Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a day of agony or a day of enriching?

Enriching day i must say with all the stations for NAPFA tests, just left with the 2.4km run in which i think can be able to get a B in it! Today as earlier have been said, NAPFA tests and i got all As for it man! Pull ups was great, standing broad jump after a few tries got the grade, shutter run was naturally there, sit ups was kinda nonsense but i did really the A grade standard kinds although some of them were counting abit too fast or a little slower but i shant mention them cause they did not cheat!

oh man...also a grueling day man! i have been like nagged and lectured about my studies and yeah, gotta have some salt and hardwork into it man! where is the aspiration man?!?!

AFter NAPFA, heated myself with deep heat and it felt really shiok! till the after effects came i think, my chest started to ache and my arms began to slowly not move as quickly as the muscles tensed! basically i was playing caps against a team which had more than our team and it was a game so we just played for fun! great time!

Now i am sitting like a dead duck trying to fly on my bed, reading my bible and preparing a sermon for some groups of people and as well getting inspirations for my new songs which i am co-writing with faithful LAI ZI JIE! i must say he has a great future ahead of him! AMEN!

Bertram Brandon

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