Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a day of agony or a day of enriching?

Enriching day i must say with all the stations for NAPFA tests, just left with the 2.4km run in which i think can be able to get a B in it! Today as earlier have been said, NAPFA tests and i got all As for it man! Pull ups was great, standing broad jump after a few tries got the grade, shutter run was naturally there, sit ups was kinda nonsense but i did really the A grade standard kinds although some of them were counting abit too fast or a little slower but i shant mention them cause they did not cheat!

oh man...also a grueling day man! i have been like nagged and lectured about my studies and yeah, gotta have some salt and hardwork into it man! where is the aspiration man?!?!

AFter NAPFA, heated myself with deep heat and it felt really shiok! till the after effects came i think, my chest started to ache and my arms began to slowly not move as quickly as the muscles tensed! basically i was playing caps against a team which had more than our team and it was a game so we just played for fun! great time!

Now i am sitting like a dead duck trying to fly on my bed, reading my bible and preparing a sermon for some groups of people and as well getting inspirations for my new songs which i am co-writing with faithful LAI ZI JIE! i must say he has a great future ahead of him! AMEN!

Bertram Brandon

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

get low down to studies guys!!

alright after a day of studying and sporting, you become tired!
today school was kinda different starting off with the human crest making session with primary school. hmm weather was particularly hot and i mean the primary students were like having so much fun whacking NAthaniel and Dexter, apparently calling him lobster and its kind funny for a primary student to do so! hahaha sorry dexter and nathaniel!

hmmm no more tests for this week and its kinda slack but still must study yeah! i mean mid years are coming, prelims are coming, biggy Os is coming! hahah

yeah, cant wait for easter! salvation is here people!

Bertram Brandon

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


alright i guess i would be able to reach the passing mark for SS seq and sbq...oh man i mean the questions were not what i expected but i think i did them OKAY-ily and i think i can only pass? XD
Anyone knows why is SS called social studies? isnt it supposed to be like learning how to socialise or even learning about how social life is doing? oh man why is Singapore, terrorism classified under social studies?!? WHY WHY WHY!its a thought to think of but its the thoughts that counts yeah...

alright moving on to chapel, oh man its really funny today! the band consisted of Joel, Kenneth, Nathaniel and firstly, Kenneth just tuned his bass while the song was playing and that is kinda fascinating and secondly, me and nathaniel swap places for the drums for the last song in which was not played because somehow they wanted to give principle more time and the teachers to teach us games which is like how easy man...and furthermore we are to play it with the primary school! time to meet those buddies if i can find him/her! hahah
oh well, that was chapel!

now, ended the school wanting to study but instead it was fun time with my favourite buddy who is one encourager, motivator, warrior for Christ and a fellow composer to me, no other than LAI ZI JIE! I mean you people must really sometimes tahan with his nonsense because his nonsense are rally abit kinda sensical(not sure if thats spelt that way) but anyway he is a nice guy lah please..your people dont know how much joy and laughter he brings man although sometimes it gets irritating but its fun to have him! i really thank god for him! yeah =D
oh well spent time with him composing our 6th song and it turned out well with the interruption of Titus but he helped us record with his beautiful singing in which cant match to XJ and me so since he can sing we got him to do the recording with us too and the sound quality wasnt good because its a good recorder for a good recording man! hahah but at least we accomplish something great out of it!
so much so for Zi jie!

tomorow suppoed to wear some black or blue shirt so i guess will be wearing my sec2 class jersey and yepp, its blue with abit of red but its okay as long i dun get caught! muahahahah!

so i guess that all for now!

Bertram Brandon

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ever thought whats so special about SS (social Studies)?

people see it as to know their country better as well as see how much the country or other country has develop their nation! also we see like the different cultures in diff nations and i mean there are so much concepts to take note when it comes to studying for ss plus remembering the formats of SBQ and SEQ questions because there is a procedure to follow when answering! oh my! why is SS like that when its just lerning about Singapore or other countries! i mean its like writing a story when it comes to essay man! a story on how development of strategies and i mean weighing the factors plus saying your stance! oh man! oh BARMA!~~~~~~~~~~

thats how much SS is all about! haha plus when it comes to not having a good teacher then its creates more trouble! unfortunately i must say a portion partial fraction of it is happening now!

its busy time mugging for Chemistry and SS for this week! and not sure about other tests but if its physics that is no problem for me! i can do well for that subject!

time to really study hard for Os man and also serve GOD too in my ministriesss!!!! yeah! easter is coming soon! yipee!

and now its back to studying! mugging you can say that too!

Bertram Brandon

Saturday, March 15, 2008

school is about to begin and homework is rushed through by many! still left with music and studying for SS test is a killer! needs medicine man!

oh man Pst Phil preach a wonderful message and i loved it! ohh...great sermon!
offering message was also great! began to put my trust in God!

today was also spent on shopping for new stuff.
1. bought 2 skinnies and yeah kinda getting used to it
2. bought 1 skinny ties (my favourite)
3. bought long sleeves.
and rally i thank my parents man for so much blessings! bought them from topman and pull and bear. nice stuff!

well now is mugging for tests this monday which is chemistry and SS! oh barma! gonna be tiring!

thats all for now!

Bertram Brandon

Friday, March 14, 2008

what more can i say that holidays are soon over? have we done anything? i hope everyone did...everyday just makes me wanna sleep more, dream more, eat more, exercise more, work more but indeed it can be done! thats what holidays are for.

spent the day with Shaun and Zi jie today at Buddy Hoggies, studying for music test tomorow! our theory is tomorow! same with Shaun and Zi Jie was like "DONT MUSIC ME AH!". In the end, Shaun asked him whether he wanted to join our band because due to some reasons we needed one as we planned for the After O-levels lists of things to do! CHARISMA is something i would wanna carry on as we worship God through our own composition and indeed Zi Jie and I have been doing so ever since i told him a suggestion in composing and ideas have been flowing as well as Shaun writing Poems! SOUNDS EXCITING!

After that went for tuition again for Maths and here i am at home revising for tomorow expensive Music theory test!
Thats all for now!

shall blog more later!
Bertram Brandon

Thursday, March 13, 2008

song #1

Movement of love

This world we live in
A city set on a hill
Violence is on the floor
As we hit the core

All my hopes and dreams
Can they mean a thing

Our love reigns, shining all over the earth
Brightening up the days with love up in the skies
Politicians won’t decide the fate
But we will keep the faith

Love reaches out across the skies
What we needed so much more
And all across the earth are looking for meanings
For light will shine cause…

Our love reigns, shining all over the earth
Brightening up the days with love up in the skies
Politicians won’t decide the fate
But we will keep the faith
Do not conform!

A meaning of resistance
Awaits for much more
Maybe all our fears are gone
What could we wait for more
Love is a movement
One love One supreme
One life living it
The movement of love

Our love reigns, shining all over the earth
Brightening up the days with love up in the skies
Politicians won’t decide the fate
But we will keep the faith

-- bertram brandon

guidance from GOD above

sometimes God plans things to happen...really imparted out something today! Praise GOD! i mean its something that has changed me from inside out...apart from that, today it was something that brought me on to my 4th song composition and i believe this song will impart out true faith and it will bless lives...should title it From God Above All!

today was pretty fun and tiring when it came to the end. met pris, shaun, xing ya for lunch at school before proceeding to vivo and then back to school. ate at some dim sum place at vivo which had to pay 1 buck for ice water to be served so we did not order that much food. pretty bad place! walked around and back to school eating jelly beans from candy empire. first time eating! woohoo...tastes great!

back to school, psp-ed for a while before debate where we learnt about rebuttals and stuff. cool exercise. after that went for tuition and back home! tired and drained out physically but spirtually revived once again!

Bertram Brandon

Monday, March 10, 2008

once was gone, but now alived

oh mine last night was horrible man. i mean drinking Barcade and bang there i was with Thapana talking nonsense during class BBQ! Shaun then came as really tossed the madness out of Thapana and oh boy, Thapana went really mad with me laughing madly too! Horrendous and horrible and vegetable night! WE were RED in the faces! there were more people also mad too jsut that i cant remembered!

But before that i was basically barbequ-ing the food for 2 hours standing at the pit, cooking the food! i almost wanted to sacrifice myself man! the heat was so hot! plus the weather was drizzling! i think the clouds were drunk too, one minute it was raining abit heavier then subside then again pour like siao! thank god for umbrellas!

okay enough of the bbq, damn it man i think i still have side effects..how many blog posts today already! ah...crapped! okay now having a soar throat!
but as a whole, the bbq was fun i suppose. those who left for i dunno why they claim that they had no food, in the first place, they should come and ask us to cook for them! apparently they waited for the food to come but inthe end nothing came so, firstly sorry for not lettng your know and seondly, next time ask us!!!!!


Bertram Brandon

Youth Alive

What makes me grow closer to God?
its all of the above! living for you! nothing else i wanna to do! give my life into your hands! walk this life with you! you mean everything to me change my life and wash me clean and now i am lost in your love cause you are all the above!

Youth alive - All of the above

Youth alive(Victoria)

Hillsongs new album recording

Get ready for a new album willl be released soon!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

one generation neeeds a revolution


If we understand what is to love as a generation as God commanded us to do,
to love God and to love people than it would change the world we are living in!
We need to start learning it out and not only jump around praising God but to be changed from inside out, to make a difference,pursue justice, to help the lost,help the broken!

Making a difference in the marketplace is indeed what we are to do.we all have a short time on earth, and when we go to heaven, GOD will ask us what have we done on Earth?
Have we fulfilled our purpose in culture, by impacting the marketplace, penetrating the marketplace.

Lets all go out and do our part! Fulfill the commandments of God!


Alright moving on,
this week was really i must say long and tiring! Almost everyday had to stay back in school because of CCA or remedials or to study! Last friday had JGs and we won the debate! YAY!!!!!!! after that went for a late dinner with the teachers and i mean it was really late! only go home at about 1am and slept off at 2 am! hahah

Now i am really tired plus planning for Broadcast on wednesday is also another stressed out thing to do!oh well, i hope i wont fall asleep tomorow during my course in the morningg! hahah oh well i guess thats all for this week! holidays have begun!


Bertram Brandon!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

funny stuff

a time for everything

school days are generally over but work still needs to be done as piles of Holiday homework stacks up with CCA cooperating in with the broadcast in which i must plan for my cca!

Particularly would be the upcoming events that would awaken me up such as this coming monday class bbq and the video shooting of the broadcast.Apart from that, its either at home sleeping, playing or studying! Isn't that what we students are all about? stuck with the Os, on our tables flipping through the pages geeting the facts to be juiced into our brains!

thats for that, now for the JGs! WE WON! yess...was an interesting motion about Size Zero models and yes once again, we won with a close margin! THANK GOD!

today had church. sermon was awesome and i felt bringing myself up to another level of faith! I mean i belive that God will use each one of us to fulfil our destiny! AMEN!

WEll, its down to planning for the Debates broadcast!

see ya people soon!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Chapel was great! Felt god's presence right from the start from the first song to the last song. praise to be to God that we are stirring up the hearts of many youths to turn to you and praise you and spread the gospel!

The revolution

Bertram Brandon

Monday, March 03, 2008


What would Jesus do tomorow?

Stand up, step out in faith and move with the spirit of God and worship him...
Lets stand together as one to bring revival to FMSS!

God bless

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Church/To know your name

Was at church today, caught a revelation for FMSS, caught a vision once more! Shared it earlier in the previous post but now for some fun!

Had fellowship after church and took some photos with the cell.
Lets go through the photos...

Dorothy...have no idea what is she doing. background with Lokies and Carol (:

Carol...some emotional facial expression. Great cell group member!

From right..potae,me,aaron...some nonsense picture..

Me as a father to all of them...

Carol once again...great member!

so thats all for W465! hahah see ya people soon!

To know your name

The precious blood of Jesus Christ redeems,
forgiven I’m alive, restored set free.
Your majesty resides inside of me,
forever I believe. forever I believe.
arrested by your truth and righteousness
your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness
convicted by your spirit, led by your word
your love will never fail
your love will never fail
‘Cause I know you gave, the world your only son for us to
know your name, to live within the saviours love and he took my place,
knowing he’d be crucified and you loved.. you loved, a people undeserving!

i mean how much this song has a great meaning in all of us! LISten to it and you will be inspired and touched!

Bertram Brandon



was in church today and i caught a revelation instantly through the preaching of the word on SERVANTHOOD..

John 13:1-3
Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
2 And supper being ended,[a] the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God,

Who are we in Christ Jesus? What are the talents that we have? What is our purpose?

Here we see the creator of the Earth kneeling before disciples, washing their feet. Usually it is meant to be the lower class people as servants to cleanse the guests feet but nonce of the disciples are wanting to do it. Why? I must say they were fighting for their positions. We can relate this to the world where we see people not willing to serve because of titles, fame and things that make us feel so royal but is this what are suppose to care about?
Jesus saw this and he was the one that humbled himself and wash their feet. He served out of SERVANTHOOD The expression of his love is the same as giving to God.LOVE WITH SERVING!

Jesus is our example. We must go out and serve one another in the kingdom of God. Jesus said, "Be a servant of all!"
Like he has claimed in the bible that he would reward us by saying, "Well done my good and faithful SERVANT!" its not well done my good and faithful king, its not my good and faithful president its not my good and faithful teacher. What is it? its MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT! so are you ready to step out in Faith and start serving God?

3 keys about servanthood:

1. Servanthood is the key to promotion

The Humbled and Exalted Christ

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

Let the mindset and attitude be in you! Our attitude determines our altitude! Have the same attitude Jesus had, taking the form of a servant. This is the perfect way of how Jesus humbled himself. You may think that why did Jesus do such a thing? i mean he could have come with so much power like a powerful military general but he took the form of a servant. Someone who serve everybody with no choices at all, for all times.
I must say that his attitude of servanthood was highly exalted by God. Total complete exaltation, total promotion!

God will work in us to shine in the marketplace.An example of JOSEPH is someone we can take as an example for us to question ourselves whether can we even serve non-believers? Look how much God blessed Joseph that made him the governor in the bible.

2. Servanthood is the key to authority

TO be able to serve will be able to provide a reward to enter into the joy of the lord. "RULERSHIP!" God claims this in the bible many times as he served.

Matthew 25:20-23 (New King James Version)

20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

3. Servanthood is the key of destiny

15 And it happened, before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. 16 Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her. And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up. 17 And the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher.”
18 So she said, “Drink, my lord.” Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand, and gave him a drink. 19 And when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.” 20 Then she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.

HE was thirsty and he thought who was going to be blessed today? there came a lady and she served him and his 10camels. i mean you know camels drink plenty of water so you should expect a strong lady to be helping him but its not only that but its through the actions she did that brought a destiny ahead. Her serving opened the door for prosperity. So therefore if you want to prosper, you must serve. We will manifest Jesus into the marketplace!

as a close, let me ask you this few questions?

Will we serve God wholeheartedly?
Why cant you serve when there are so much opportunities and WISELY bring the presence of God into the marketplace?

Step out of your comfort zone and start serving!

God bless!