Sunday, May 04, 2008

what on? off?

hey people....

not much for a long time heh!

oh well received maths and chinses and oh my gosh! not my standard man! freaking 46/80 man!bad bad! chinese pass by like 3-4marks?! hope the rest of the papers can be done! oh well thats my best and its not the results that matters but what i have learnt from it matters the most! mistakes can be taken into practice and corrected but marks, it just remains there and leaves a mark there!XD learning is the expereience gain man!

alright enough of results. time for upcoming events in detailed studies:

1. Chapel
Whats to say but focus in and press on into God presence! AMEN! cant wait for that day to see!

preparing devotions are really important, its the booost given to us each day so i am gonna prepare good ones for the days spent in Nepal!
also working with my deisgn commitee! designs are coming up very nicely drawn and hope i can get the photos up soon!

3. CHinese Os
oh yes the killer! get this done and thats left with 7 more subjects to go! hahah still alot yeah! so mug alright!

oh well CCAs stop and it feels weird without them! haha but sonner or later will get used to it! haha

i guess thts all! i am a bad blogger man! but who cares as long it shows haha XD

see ya around

Bertram Brandon

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