Monday, May 19, 2008


possibly i havent been logging on so thats why i havent been updating. oh well no new photos either than with Mr Ooi! oh my he is leaving! i mean so short time spent with us and he is leaving so quickly. A great encourager, a great friend, a counsellor, a person we can always go to whenever we faced any problems or so whatever. like what he always says, he is the young ZiJie and hmmm i have not seen that hahah XD but anyway the band in which ZJ called it Hillsongs Singapore consisted of Me, caleb, hannah, ZJ and jim, we all wrote a short note of appreciation and presented it to him in a card and it was amazingly done by Hannah!~ one great person in our lives will remain in us although he is leaving! sadness...

alright next, have been studying the compositions for Chinese Os and beginning to score in it as i practice in them!heh cloze passages still horiibly done! havve no idea whats going on! hahah

next, Nepal preparations are done, just waiting for the shirts to come in on Wednesday and that means i need help to sort them out! anyone who wanna help out please let me know asap! we do need people to help! reallyyyyy...

todays is Vesak day so was spent at home family timing together! and now in my room, going to fall asleep after eating so much and really i wanna sleep so see ya peeps!

Bertram Brandon

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