Friday, May 02, 2008

this week is kinda a lax week i must say with the mid years gone but upcoming events such as CHINESE Os! however the reward comes immediately after that with the NEPAL'08!

i believe many things are going to happen! been praying about my devotions and i believe it will be a blessing to many! pursuing of excellence, the heart of a servant for christ, servanthood, thinking with excellence, persereverence! all these will indeed be great sharing of the word of God!
BEing devotion IC is one thing but what is important that what i will be sharing will help us to grow physically, mentally and spiritually! its not about sharing the word of god but its also the heart of one who is willing to serve god and give out out best! its the same as serving people! just like what jesus did when he was on earth! going around helping people! serving them! providing for their needs!

after hearing so much things that we gonna do in Nepal, i really believe that what we do will touch lives! AMEN!

so we are looking forward to it! what about you!

Bertram Brandon

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