Saturday, February 23, 2008

Stayover@RYANs/Singapore Airshow

every day i think about how i have done each day and how i have lived it! i always want to make the fullest of everything and see what results can be achieved.

well one of the things was to be able to spend time with "long lost"friends. i mean it is as a friend that you used to always hanged out with but somehow things changed so both drew away but were still friends! i must say RYAN TAN is one great dude buddy to me ever since i knew him pri.6 i think. Great Friend!

Stayed over at his place on Friday night because we were going for the airshow with Caleb and Tomio the next morning. So Caleb and I stayed over and slept at like 3am because we were watching MI:2! i must say that show is the best o out of the 3 series man! great storyline and excitement is there all the time!

Slept on the sofa till the next day with aircon on, and i was not used to it! but its an experience.

Moving on, the next day Saturday (today), we left with Ryan's dad to Changi exhibition centre and yeah we went to see the static display forst where the models of the planes like F16, F15, and many other helicopters and fighter jets, not forgetting the A380. i remembered clearly the last time i went with Ryan, we could not go on board the A380 because of certain reasons but this time it was only by invitation only so Ryan's dad did his work with his colleagues and we went on board. It was a dream come true! i mean the experience going on board it is amazing man! the interior was great! the cockpit i must say was amzing! i sat on the pilots' seat in which an hour later it was going to be flown for the airshow display! what an honour and yeah it wasnt the ones used for commercial flying but it was the test model that was used to fly around before more A380s were made into flying. I mean it must be proven to be good before carrying on right!
After that we went into the inner displays where it was more of the trade center but we managed to try the flight simulators of the T50 which was Ryan. he aspires to be a pilot so we gave him an opportunity! yeah! (: Well done RYAAN!

After that, we got the small model of the T50 from the directors and we left off to see other booths for more goodies! After that, we went to the chalets. alright before carrying on, i must say that in order to go into the chalets, you need to be invited only and thats why its a privelege to do so. we went into the chalets like the Lockheed Martin, Boeing and i cant rememebr the other one. but as a whole it was great! we had lunch in the chalet with such great food before the airshow display started! I mean we ate alot because it was nice! Yummy!

Alright, then came the airshow display! Started off with the KNIGHTS! i mean they are great with all the coordination and stunts they performed! great display. after followed the F16, T50 F35 and the A380! all great displays and the last display was also the best i saw too, the Australia Acrobatics! they used the PIlatus to performed and really, they were as good as the Knights and that really made me amazed at their performance!

As a whole i must really say, it was like a VIP experience and yeah, if you got a chance go for it! its not to be missed! i will post the pics here on somewhere so you can have yourself a look at the pictures of the planes and the displays!

tomorow is the ARENA and yeah i hoped FMSS wins over NAnyang girls man!

God bless!

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