Tuesday, February 12, 2008

resolutions for Valentine'08/band/debate

Alright from the title you can already tell what am i going to say but there is always a but...

Valentine is coming soon and yeah everyone is real excited about getting something about their loved ones but to really share mine, its not about what you gonna give but really how much you appreciated the person to you. And really, i'm not going to give anything at all. Why? i dun believe in giving out of the sake of giving but the best thing i would want is to spend the time with the one. Each person has all its own decisions to make and yeah, i have mine and i decided. no gifts, no roses, nothing. Nothing is precious as much as time. and really a though hit me through many encouragements especially from best friends that we have always are there for you. the thought was that if i had not been daring enough for you, what if i added an "L" to daring and it would be DARLING! so i have been thinking through to how to spent this day but having thought so, i shall not even spend it like everyone would do because i do not want to do something for the sake of the speciality man. i would rather nature takes it course and let everything go as nature would take it too. If it would be a reject, so be it! if its acceptance, that would be awesome to have your trust in someone's heart. this is my resolution for valentine day. "L + Daring === DARLING!"

alright enough of those, moving on. Have been once again thinking through how am i going to progress my band Charisma after having a chat with Shaun Tan, great poet writer and motivator. my plans...well i must say that i will still live on with my band and yep, really i feel that Charisma is going to go far. Prayed about it! received a word and really it showed me that there was a bright future ahead of us!
LEtS go CHARISMA to shine GOD's love in the marketplace!

Well also Debate is going on pretty well just that the debating championships Julia Gabriels is on this friday starting off with the 1st round and me in the SPAR team, i believe that our main team will make it through. They can do it! let s go all out guys. also 24 feb is the ARENA rounds of filming and yeah tickets are going to be available and yeah according to Mr Tan, more instructions will be instructed before we can release any other info. hahah (:

well thats all for now.
For my friends and loved ones, I love you all especially you...

Bertram Brandon

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