Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ceasing the moment...

"its really what we have on the inside that makes us win!"

Today watched FMSS have their last match and sadly we lost to the opponent. But at least they tried their best, its not to say they are lousy or what but its the endurance they have to pursue on and finish it no matter what. They still deserve an applause for they are the ones that represent the school, the best out of the best.

Apart from that, good job guys!
Their coach was really wanting them to win with his instructions and yeah although some flip flops happen... (:

Well, thats that but after that, i went to play soccer with the sec2 and 3s at the Street soccer court. Basically tired myself out and now i must study for Emaths test tomorow and also my music performing test tomorow too. SCARY!!!

So thats 3 down 3 more to go!

I would like to say this to all..."We must all lean to grab hold of every opportunity that comes, if not your dream will just pass you by!"

God bless!
Bertram Brandon

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