Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Returning to the past you know

Hey people....

Today was really kind of a long day with all the lessons and also my lessons outside like my piano lessons which my exams are coming in 3 weeks time and its really a pressure but i found out that if i practice, it would be perfect and also praying for me to get a good grade and in the end, progress on to the next grade which would be GRADE8!!! =D

Well, i have finally wrote finish my 4th song for my band and i really feel encouraged and on fire for GOD to keep on going, writing songs to praise and worship him! Now is the time! After hearing to Delirious? songs, it really impacted me especially the song TAKE OFF MY SHOES...
i decided that i place the lyrics down... (:

Take Off My Shoes

I’ll take off my shoes, I’m coming in,
Untie this rope, I’m staying with him,
Love of my life, I’ll live and die,
Just for the moments for my king and I.

Why did you call, why did you wait,
For someone so guilty, someone so fake.
There are no words for my beautiful song,
Now I’m in the arms of my beautiful one.

Hold me, blow all the pride from my bones,
With your fire.
Hold me, breathe on this heart made of stone,
Keep it pure.
Hold me, saviour of heaven and earth,
King forever.
Hold me, love of my life lead me on,
Through the fire, lead me on...

I’ll take off this crown and fall at your feet,
The secret of joy are the moments we meet.
How could a man with all of your fame,
Pull me from darkness and call me by name.

So hold me today, as I carry your cross,
Into the desert to find who is lost.
Look at my hands, they’re still full of faith,
God keep them clean till we finish the race.

The time has come for us to stand in the gap and make the difference!

Back to school life,
i received my geography test today and i was shocked to see my marks because it was way different from before (either improving or deproving...), but i heard i did quite well for my E MATHS paper so i guess there isn't nothing to worry about now!
Well, its back to writing songs and i will see ya people later!!


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