Sunday, January 20, 2008


The previous one was about Achmed and his JINGLE BOMBS attached with the lyrics. well now i want to share my top 4 best movies i find the most interesting and great shows ever. They are not in order but to me they are all the best!

1st up would be SAVING PRIVATE RYAN...(the trailer proves itself being a great show)

2nd up would be Band of Brothers series...

3rd up would be BLACK HAWK DOWN...

and 4th up is The Bourne Ultimatum

Well you can see that i like using the word WELL and also love movies which are like those action adn war! that is one chracteristic of me but unless there is good shows like PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS or PATCH ADAMS then i would watch! but action and adventures and war types suit me i presume and yeah those shows also were the ones that hit the awards especially Saving priv ryan and B.O.B so yeah try to watch them if you would going to!

hmmm..,tomorow its a new week and today Pst Kong preached a great sermon about FAITH! AMEN! FAITH IS CONFIDENCE! finally i could be with the cell but had to leave earlier because had to go off to meet pritish but of course i spent time with W363 and W331 too....

After that went to meet Pritish to help him buy his soccer boots. His boots are real nice man! O.o!!!
ended off the day having a nice chat with the nicest people among the whole world to me! One that bring joy to my life! LOL!

Thats all,
Bertram Brandon (if you still dun know why is my name like this, its my baptist name for the 180th time i'm telling you!)

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