Saturday, September 08, 2007


Hey...just returned from a short trip to Malacca the past 2 days and thats why some of your have been calling me and i pick up and i talked for a while and i put it down.Sorry guys if i had anything rude done unto you or of any sort along that line!
Well, this trip was quite an adventure and i am really tanned thanks to the beautiful sun rays it has that shines on the Earth! Well, had been playing golf and eating non-stop for the 2 days. I mean i really ate alot but exercise is next and i really need to exercise once again if not, you know what will happen...

Well, sleep was crucial for me because my bed was kinda makeshift. IT WAS MY SLEEPING BAG because there were no more extra beds for us so i kinda used the sofa in the hotel room and place my sleeping bag over it and there you have it A BED!! It reminded me of OBBD, where we slept on wooden plywood boards and just place the sleeping bag on it and SLEEPPPPPPPP!!!

Truely, this trip was cool and i enjoyed myself with my family and i am really tired now so guess this is all for now. Going church tomoro, looking forward to it so yeah...

FYI...those people who called me to play soccer and captain's ball, i'm sorry i did not reply your msges and called you back and i will play with your soon! haha...


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