the sound of soothing music...
Bertram Brandon
Friday, June 27, 2008
welcome to reality...
alright school started and pretty the work hasnt been done and now additional work loaded onto me.
nothing much to say but its just mostly spent on FUNFAIR practice and especially...
O levels Chinese orals was today man! the question was whether YOUTHS HAD NO TIME FOR VOLUNTEERY WORK! and i was like ah, i was crap why this question!!! but i guess i did it the way its meant to be done as practiced during Chinese lesson...
next week is funfair and its gonna be another week under the leadership of ZJ so go for band practices for the event! maybe its a sign for me and maybe not...but in any case theres nothing to stop him from not going for prac so its jamming time! =)
now the thing i hope is to do well in my Chinese and move on with the other subjects! think of it PRELIM are coming and what are we doing?!? much to learn from....crazy little stuffs that drive you not to study but what is needed is to prevent that from happening is study!
haha as matter of fact my O levels coursework for Music is coming in next wednesday and its kick off the start of the paper! composing time! hope i will be able to compose one after writing kinda a few songs hahah its all the best to meeee...
guess theres nothing else to say
signing off
Bertram Brandon
nothing much to say but its just mostly spent on FUNFAIR practice and especially...
O levels Chinese orals was today man! the question was whether YOUTHS HAD NO TIME FOR VOLUNTEERY WORK! and i was like ah, i was crap why this question!!! but i guess i did it the way its meant to be done as practiced during Chinese lesson...
next week is funfair and its gonna be another week under the leadership of ZJ so go for band practices for the event! maybe its a sign for me and maybe not...but in any case theres nothing to stop him from not going for prac so its jamming time! =)
now the thing i hope is to do well in my Chinese and move on with the other subjects! think of it PRELIM are coming and what are we doing?!? much to learn from....crazy little stuffs that drive you not to study but what is needed is to prevent that from happening is study!
haha as matter of fact my O levels coursework for Music is coming in next wednesday and its kick off the start of the paper! composing time! hope i will be able to compose one after writing kinda a few songs hahah its all the best to meeee...
guess theres nothing else to say
signing off
Bertram Brandon
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
God knows what bests...
the outcome comes from him...
To love you from the inside out...
Bertram Brandon
the outcome comes from him...
To love you from the inside out...
Bertram Brandon
Friday, June 20, 2008
the end of school....beginning of school
today was last day of S2E..i hoped... and next monday is school reopens! how time flies past so quickly.
spent the day with morning S2E then after heading to the hall for band practices, gonna do From The Inside Out and particularly i feel its the song for the season man! After coming back from service learning, holidays, focusing on God! yeah! thats the song!
after that was funfair band practice and whoosh we sound like one great one! hahah yupp that was the day!
i am left with Chemistry homework and i am bored to do it so i hoped i can finish it (:
thats all for now i guess, my brain is currently at 1025pm so its the tired mood.
God Bless,
Bertram Brandon
spent the day with morning S2E then after heading to the hall for band practices, gonna do From The Inside Out and particularly i feel its the song for the season man! After coming back from service learning, holidays, focusing on God! yeah! thats the song!
after that was funfair band practice and whoosh we sound like one great one! hahah yupp that was the day!
i am left with Chemistry homework and i am bored to do it so i hoped i can finish it (:
thats all for now i guess, my brain is currently at 1025pm so its the tired mood.
God Bless,
Bertram Brandon
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
here we go now in the falling sky and the rain...
spent the day having music during S2E, learnt alot and then headed of to Caleb's church to practice for the audition for funfair. Nat sang superb well and i really enjoyed it! the next thing is whether we are able to do it well during the auditions. Hannah and Mag were Nat's singers too so the band consisted of me, zj, jim and caleb. Ivan was there too, helping us out with the PA stuff! yupp, we did the song over and over and over again to perfect it and it just got better and better!
yup that was it!
i just got used to this habit of saying yupp alot and i have no idea why! hahah
a few more days and school reopens. the learning journey begins once more and yeah we gonna whack the Os real hard and get A's man! hahah
still trying to finish up my 2nd song which is really kinda hard because of time man! busy here and there so just cant seem right to get inspirations to come so gotta wait!
oh well its more days of S2E-ing and yeah going school is a habit too and i kinda enjoy S2E, helps you to finish your work.
Bertram Brandon
yup that was it!
i just got used to this habit of saying yupp alot and i have no idea why! hahah
a few more days and school reopens. the learning journey begins once more and yeah we gonna whack the Os real hard and get A's man! hahah
still trying to finish up my 2nd song which is really kinda hard because of time man! busy here and there so just cant seem right to get inspirations to come so gotta wait!
oh well its more days of S2E-ing and yeah going school is a habit too and i kinda enjoy S2E, helps you to finish your work.
Bertram Brandon
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
a purpsoe to hold onto
think of this for a moment...
would it be bright or darkness without God?
would it be happy or sad without God?
would it be grace or ungrace without God?
oh well you should know the answers my friend..With GOD, things are possible! Through Christ who strengthens me!
today celebrated Father's day at church, amazing felt God's presence tangibly as TRUE WORSHIPPERS lead! They were awesome too! Pst Kong preached Fathers day message and the sermon was good! yupp!
alright its the last week of PRAYER SEASON! its amazing to see how each one pray and slowly build up their spiritual life!
So theres one more week left before school reopens and homework is halfway done thanks to S2E. i think S2e Does really help in making you study.
Went on a guitar hunting tour today to BGW played some TAYLORS and whoosh i finally met my "date", 1997 Taylor 422 Limited Series. Grand Concert. i loved it but i wanted to hunt for more before setting my mind on the perfect one.
The next visit to Sinamex, i shall close my eyes and ask them to place any Taylor in my hands and i shall play them to find the perfect one! really one will match me soon enough, needs time heh! XD
yupp tried the 512CE Full Mahoghony and it was more a strumming guitar, real loud but not much of plucking so nah...heh not what i want!
anyway i have pursued happiness and now its found in me! not gonna let it go! yupp
Signing off,
Bertram Brandon
would it be bright or darkness without God?
would it be happy or sad without God?
would it be grace or ungrace without God?
oh well you should know the answers my friend..With GOD, things are possible! Through Christ who strengthens me!
today celebrated Father's day at church, amazing felt God's presence tangibly as TRUE WORSHIPPERS lead! They were awesome too! Pst Kong preached Fathers day message and the sermon was good! yupp!
alright its the last week of PRAYER SEASON! its amazing to see how each one pray and slowly build up their spiritual life!
So theres one more week left before school reopens and homework is halfway done thanks to S2E. i think S2e Does really help in making you study.
Went on a guitar hunting tour today to BGW played some TAYLORS and whoosh i finally met my "date", 1997 Taylor 422 Limited Series. Grand Concert. i loved it but i wanted to hunt for more before setting my mind on the perfect one.
The next visit to Sinamex, i shall close my eyes and ask them to place any Taylor in my hands and i shall play them to find the perfect one! really one will match me soon enough, needs time heh! XD
yupp tried the 512CE Full Mahoghony and it was more a strumming guitar, real loud but not much of plucking so nah...heh not what i want!
anyway i have pursued happiness and now its found in me! not gonna let it go! yupp
Signing off,
Bertram Brandon
Thursday, June 12, 2008
This is our God
Amazing grace
man i love this...wishe we could something similar in school for some special occasion thingy =)
Bertram Brandon
Bertram Brandon
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
alright it has started and will carry on for 2 i got in was seriously you can say suay. i got 25 and teachers said at first above 25 then they change it to 25 and above
so every morning 8am-130pm its down to studying and doing work! glad it is in 1st level classrooms if not we will all perspire! alright morning, everyone is like really studying (i hope so) and then when it comes to the 2nd self study after the tutorials, which are not helpful at all, everyone becomes restless and does their own things and the teachers really closes one eye on us! really she does!
i can say that both S2E is beneficial and nonsensical. Why nonsense? because of the stupid clogging thingy that you must sign heh! Goodness man! haha =)
anyway i have finished my SS and Geog holiday homework! so its left with English, Sciences, and the Maths too!
nothing else to say already but to everyone, have a blessed time in S2E if you are and if you are not, enjoy the holidays!
Bertram Brandon
so every morning 8am-130pm its down to studying and doing work! glad it is in 1st level classrooms if not we will all perspire! alright morning, everyone is like really studying (i hope so) and then when it comes to the 2nd self study after the tutorials, which are not helpful at all, everyone becomes restless and does their own things and the teachers really closes one eye on us! really she does!
i can say that both S2E is beneficial and nonsensical. Why nonsense? because of the stupid clogging thingy that you must sign heh! Goodness man! haha =)
anyway i have finished my SS and Geog holiday homework! so its left with English, Sciences, and the Maths too!
nothing else to say already but to everyone, have a blessed time in S2E if you are and if you are not, enjoy the holidays!
Bertram Brandon
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Let me share with you what i've learnt at church when Rev Dr Robb THompson came..
All of life revolves around the fact that God does not lie! everyone should know that..if you don't, check out NUMBERS23:19...
alright 4 keys in walking in abundance:
1. Your prosperity is the product of your own construction.
you reap what you sow my friends...
2. Those who prosper in life make decisions that create the future they desire, while those who lack make decisions that create the present they desire.
Proverbs 11:24-25 (New King James Version)
24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
25 The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.
3. IF you think like you've always thought, you'll get what you've always got.
John 6:63 (New King James Version)
63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
4. Everything in life will remain a seed until the moment is sown.
John 12:24 (New King James Version)
24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
Friends 4 very simple principles to unlock the doors in life! God wants to bless us so lets sow our seeds and let see God's abundance grace and love flow through us!
alright, back to where i am! this is home! searching for a place for my own! this is home, yeah this is home! i done all my searching, after all my questions i found things, brand new mindset!
Kinda inspired by the song THIS IS HONE by Switchfoot who did the soundtrack for Narnia! yeah i mean the songs really tells us how we found our home and how much we treasured for now we know this is home! the real meaning of spending time with our family, where we found peace! i mean if you dun think abt the song now and you think of your real home! i mean life happens at your home! your parents are there! your siblings are there! everyone is there! the place where you sleep, eat, rest, work, enjoy! its a place where we belong yeah!
hmmm next week is S2e! heh oh man i got in very unexpectedly.. it was to be above 25 and then it changed to 25 and above for L1R5 so yeah here i am and foop, i am in S2e....oh well hope i am gonna benefit more than at home doing work! haha
2 more weeks and school starts once again!
i mean school life reopens again! after Nepal, i began to appreciate much more from studies ever since i was surprised by the Nepal little students from their smartness! i guess they are like almost our standards or maybe better for some! i mean they study real hard to achieve what they want and what are we doing now man!
in the past it was like if i didn't know any question, i would jsut heck it but now i must understand the qs before moving on man! its a totally different mindset! changes mentally, spiritually and physically man!
Nepal indeed tested us when we were there although it was service learning and yupp we all should learn from experiences yeah!
God bless all as i am away now...
Bertram Brandon
All of life revolves around the fact that God does not lie! everyone should know that..if you don't, check out NUMBERS23:19...
alright 4 keys in walking in abundance:
1. Your prosperity is the product of your own construction.
you reap what you sow my friends...
2. Those who prosper in life make decisions that create the future they desire, while those who lack make decisions that create the present they desire.
Proverbs 11:24-25 (New King James Version)
24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
25 The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.
3. IF you think like you've always thought, you'll get what you've always got.
John 6:63 (New King James Version)
63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
4. Everything in life will remain a seed until the moment is sown.
John 12:24 (New King James Version)
24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
Friends 4 very simple principles to unlock the doors in life! God wants to bless us so lets sow our seeds and let see God's abundance grace and love flow through us!
alright, back to where i am! this is home! searching for a place for my own! this is home, yeah this is home! i done all my searching, after all my questions i found things, brand new mindset!
Kinda inspired by the song THIS IS HONE by Switchfoot who did the soundtrack for Narnia! yeah i mean the songs really tells us how we found our home and how much we treasured for now we know this is home! the real meaning of spending time with our family, where we found peace! i mean if you dun think abt the song now and you think of your real home! i mean life happens at your home! your parents are there! your siblings are there! everyone is there! the place where you sleep, eat, rest, work, enjoy! its a place where we belong yeah!
hmmm next week is S2e! heh oh man i got in very unexpectedly.. it was to be above 25 and then it changed to 25 and above for L1R5 so yeah here i am and foop, i am in S2e....oh well hope i am gonna benefit more than at home doing work! haha
2 more weeks and school starts once again!
i mean school life reopens again! after Nepal, i began to appreciate much more from studies ever since i was surprised by the Nepal little students from their smartness! i guess they are like almost our standards or maybe better for some! i mean they study real hard to achieve what they want and what are we doing now man!
in the past it was like if i didn't know any question, i would jsut heck it but now i must understand the qs before moving on man! its a totally different mindset! changes mentally, spiritually and physically man!
Nepal indeed tested us when we were there although it was service learning and yupp we all should learn from experiences yeah!
God bless all as i am away now...
Bertram Brandon
Friday, June 06, 2008
Prince Caspian

Watched the show today and yeah kinda liked it but i think the book illustrated it better! hahah
Yeah the show was good but i think representation could be better with the water thingy heh but the plot line was similar to the book and yeah i liked it! FOR NARNIA! the new character Caspian was the right guy for it especially with the accent sounded real like one of them and yeah they chose the right guy!
oh yes THIS IS HOME was like the end so if ya wanna catch it, you gotta wait till the end or else buy the CD from popular! yepp
ps. those who want see Nepal pics, go to facebook.
Bertram Brandon
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
NEPAL 2008
i dunno how, why, what, when am i going to get on and move on but it just seems like each day since i came back, it kept on reminding me of the work we did. Each day i on the mac and look through the days photos and it justs leaves me with the compassionate love and care for the kids. Although it was just service learning, i think we did serve the kids well and yeah, i mean we did it!
Spent the day thinking of seriously great words for my new song title COMPASSIONATE LOVE. yupp and it is currently baking in the oven so i would get the band to play it soon!
some thanks to some peeps for the trip (in no order of preferences)
HE gave me the vision to see kids and we blessed them with what talents we had to provide for them and indeed we served them! loving GOD loving PEOPLE!
Durin devotions i shared this!
He planned everything so nicely for us to work, play and enjoy ourselves! each day went so perfectly well and we finished our job and we emerged as being a good finisher!
They were the ones that kept us going especially sometimes with eye power but they also helped us! they lead us with great example and they encouraged us to preserver on and not give up at all! they were the ones that drove our axle to work on!
alright i shall go specifically down to those i really knew your well!
Great guitarist! carry on serving God with the talents you have. Your devotions were great and i am sure people caught hold of the principles and they were blessed with the devotion on BREAD!
one great leader. lead praise and worship lead devotions with the compassion, willing to impact the community and those around her! one warrior for Christ, going all out to serve him! thanks for the encouragement and willing to sacrifice time to help out with the shirts and devotion meetings.
Another great leader! great sharing and indeed everyone caught hold of the devotion on the VALUES BUILT TO LASTS! SPiritual family, fairfield family. Everyone was part of it! the kids too...amazing devotions. carry onserving the lord!
he and hs nonsensical jokes that made people laughed especially last day on the plane, i sat beside him and he started getting high and fat ni mai apple tiako or something like that! hahah
it was something to like ask for more apple juice but heh i think he made it very funny and also in the hotel room trying to play chinese chess! hahah you know what i mean dude! another great leader also! he led well and i really consider him one of my best friends!
Although bullied alot i think the fun was there! without him, no fun hahah one huge mass took so long in the bathroom hahah
one great friend too!
i think there are more and let me know if i missed you out! i cant think much now! tell me if i missed you out so i can say something yeah!
NEPAL awaking!
back to song writing and holiday homework yeah!
Bertram Brandon
Spent the day thinking of seriously great words for my new song title COMPASSIONATE LOVE. yupp and it is currently baking in the oven so i would get the band to play it soon!
some thanks to some peeps for the trip (in no order of preferences)
HE gave me the vision to see kids and we blessed them with what talents we had to provide for them and indeed we served them! loving GOD loving PEOPLE!
Durin devotions i shared this!
He planned everything so nicely for us to work, play and enjoy ourselves! each day went so perfectly well and we finished our job and we emerged as being a good finisher!
They were the ones that kept us going especially sometimes with eye power but they also helped us! they lead us with great example and they encouraged us to preserver on and not give up at all! they were the ones that drove our axle to work on!
alright i shall go specifically down to those i really knew your well!
Great guitarist! carry on serving God with the talents you have. Your devotions were great and i am sure people caught hold of the principles and they were blessed with the devotion on BREAD!
one great leader. lead praise and worship lead devotions with the compassion, willing to impact the community and those around her! one warrior for Christ, going all out to serve him! thanks for the encouragement and willing to sacrifice time to help out with the shirts and devotion meetings.
Another great leader! great sharing and indeed everyone caught hold of the devotion on the VALUES BUILT TO LASTS! SPiritual family, fairfield family. Everyone was part of it! the kids too...amazing devotions. carry onserving the lord!
he and hs nonsensical jokes that made people laughed especially last day on the plane, i sat beside him and he started getting high and fat ni mai apple tiako or something like that! hahah
it was something to like ask for more apple juice but heh i think he made it very funny and also in the hotel room trying to play chinese chess! hahah you know what i mean dude! another great leader also! he led well and i really consider him one of my best friends!
Although bullied alot i think the fun was there! without him, no fun hahah one huge mass took so long in the bathroom hahah
one great friend too!
i think there are more and let me know if i missed you out! i cant think much now! tell me if i missed you out so i can say something yeah!
NEPAL awaking!
back to song writing and holiday homework yeah!
Bertram Brandon
Monday, June 02, 2008
Nepal 2008
alright just got back yesterday on the 2nd june at 1055pm. Trip overall was amazing for me as i got to know many new friends that went for the trip as well as the Nepali young kids. Keff, Jasie. These 2 little friends were smart and cute haha. Oh well, we started off doing the digging and we finished digging half of the way, and the rest of the groups carried on the rest laying the pipes and it was beack to us to cover up the pipes.
We taught the young students Maths and to our surprise, they were indeed very smart! Primary 5&6 students really know how to do BODMAS (order of operation) and even all those huge numbers things man! amazing kids!
We also painted their school building and it was painted blue for the windows and inside white walls and we did the cememnting of the floor!
Each day ended off with a reflections for us to reflect how much work we have done and how we have impacted the kids and to me, i felt that what i did was benefiting the kids for their future.
CARPEDIUM! i mean seizing the moment. Mrs Lyann posted a question to us whether did we convey a msg out to the kids and whether we had any me, being one that paid the trip using my own, i believed that i made full use of what i had, my talents placed in me and used them to bless the kids with new facilities. i managed to get the msg across one kid. here how it went.
Kid: Hey man, why are you doing this?
Me: We are here from Singapore, and we are helping you to build better facilities for you to learn better in a good environment!
You know kid, what we are doing is to help you but the other portion comes from you. You must seize the moment always. ( i told him the word CARPEDIUM)
Kid: seize! seize!
Me: yes you must always do that! do your best and achieve your dreams, Yeah!
It ended off with a handshake and he thank me for what i did for him and i hope he would carry on telling his friends or at least he himself pursue on, achieving his dreams!
the day we left the school was the heartbreaking one. we saw the students just happy to see their new school and also seeing the new water finally available at their school. seeing their smiles was a happy one and i really felt that what we did was really going to stay in our hearts forever! i mean that was all about service learning! SERVANTHOOD! service! learning!
indeed we have brought the kids into our fairfield family and the kids are going to be in my heart and i will remember my conversation with the kid on the last day!
CARPEDIUM friends!

Bertram Brandon
We taught the young students Maths and to our surprise, they were indeed very smart! Primary 5&6 students really know how to do BODMAS (order of operation) and even all those huge numbers things man! amazing kids!
We also painted their school building and it was painted blue for the windows and inside white walls and we did the cememnting of the floor!
Each day ended off with a reflections for us to reflect how much work we have done and how we have impacted the kids and to me, i felt that what i did was benefiting the kids for their future.
CARPEDIUM! i mean seizing the moment. Mrs Lyann posted a question to us whether did we convey a msg out to the kids and whether we had any me, being one that paid the trip using my own, i believed that i made full use of what i had, my talents placed in me and used them to bless the kids with new facilities. i managed to get the msg across one kid. here how it went.
Kid: Hey man, why are you doing this?
Me: We are here from Singapore, and we are helping you to build better facilities for you to learn better in a good environment!
You know kid, what we are doing is to help you but the other portion comes from you. You must seize the moment always. ( i told him the word CARPEDIUM)
Kid: seize! seize!
Me: yes you must always do that! do your best and achieve your dreams, Yeah!
It ended off with a handshake and he thank me for what i did for him and i hope he would carry on telling his friends or at least he himself pursue on, achieving his dreams!
the day we left the school was the heartbreaking one. we saw the students just happy to see their new school and also seeing the new water finally available at their school. seeing their smiles was a happy one and i really felt that what we did was really going to stay in our hearts forever! i mean that was all about service learning! SERVANTHOOD! service! learning!
indeed we have brought the kids into our fairfield family and the kids are going to be in my heart and i will remember my conversation with the kid on the last day!
CARPEDIUM friends!
Bertram Brandon
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